Thursday 25 April 2013

Organic Mattresses – Expertly Made For Health And Luxury

Organic mattresses represent a new and refreshing way of looking at health, wellbeing and comfort. Their pure, chemical-free components create a healthier environment to everyday mattresses. Everything used to make an one of these mattresses is used for a reason. Here are a few facts about organic mattresses, and their components.

Natural latex mattresses are the healthier alternative to the ever-popular memory foam mattress. Natural latex is a 100% natural material, where as memory foam is made from synthetic petrochemicals. You sleep for roughly a third of your life, so it's pretty important that you know exactly what you are lying on. Memory foam is prone to overheating, causing significant discomfort. Natural latex is a far more breathable material.

Memory foam (visco-elastic polyurethane foam) was originally made by NASA researchers in order to improve seat safety. The first thing to not is that memory foam wasn't designed for mattresses. Long term exposure to its chemical ingredients was never considered when it was first invented. The fact is, memory foam is an entirely man-made substance, full of potentially hazardous chemicals. Memory foam has only really been a big part of the mattress market since the mid to late '90s, so it's impossible to tell what the long term health implications of it are. Nobody has been lying on memory foam mattress every night for the last 30 years; that's where the problem lies. (excuse the pun!)

Natural latex is simply the sap from the rubber tree. That's all! The sap is extracted from the tree, put into a mattresses mould and baked at a high temperature in order to create a natural latex mattress. Latex itself serves no long term health risks and, partly due to the expert techniques with which it is baked into a mattress, has a very long life time. You can expect a natural latex mattress to last well over 30 years, barring any extreme conditions.

You'd be hard pushed to find an organic mattress which isn't made using organic cotton. Organic cotton is possibly the single most beneficial piece of any organic mattress. It's not that organic cotton has hidden healing properties, but more that it is free from all of the chemicals which non-organic cotton comes into contact with. Approximately 25% of the world's pesticides are used on the cotton plants, making it one of the most chemical-heavy plants on the planet.

Some of the chemical pesticides used on cotton have been known to exacerbate asthma, cause nausea and headaches. Aldicarb, an incredibely strong chemical pesticide is used in the US, which is the third biggest cotton producer in the world. A single teaspoon of Aldicarb is enough kill an adult, if the skin comes into direct contact. Of course, the pesticides used on cotton have been diluted, but it isn't this something you want to avoid. These chemical are, after all, designed to kill animals. It's not friendly stuff.

Just like cotton and latex, organic wool is a very important part of the overall composition of an organic mattress. A common problem with mattresses and sofas is that they have to meet the strict criteria of UK fire regulations. Fire regulations are, of course, in place for the purpose of safety. However, that doesn't mean that your mattress has to be sprayed with chemical fire retardants. Organic wool is a natural fire retardant, and has passed all of the official UK fire regulation tests. A mattress with a thin organic wool cover is the only way to avoid the potent chemical sprays which cover most sofas and mattresses.

When you hear that a mattress is made using wool, your first thought might be that it would be too warm for everyday use. Organic wool is actually exceptionally good at regulating moisture and temperature. The natural structure of wool will help to keep you warm in the winter and cold in the summer, as well as adding to the luxury of the mattress. Organic wool is great for anyone with allergies as it will prevent their skin from overheating. The feeling of an organic wool wrap (underneath a cotton cover) is very similar to the kind of feel which conventional mattresses try to achieve with artificial fibres. As well as regulating temperature and protecting from fire, organic wool really does add to the comfort of a mattress.

As well as natural latex, organic cotton and organic wool, a number of other unique and innovative materials, fibres and fabrics are used. These include organic rubberised coconut, organic mohair, organic horse hair and wild silk. All of of these natural components will add to the comfort of a mattress, giving your far more choice when it comes to the particular feel of your mattress.

4Living are retailers of natural, organic mattresses with absolutely no chemical ingredients. Their Welsh and German mattresses are all officially certified, and are made from entirely natural fibres and materials.

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