Tuesday, 10 September 2013

5 Organic Foods and Drinks You Need To Try

Organic food has become a staple in most people's weekly shops, which is great. The aisles are becoming more and more populated with the little 'O' graphic and 'Soil Association' logo which let you know that what you're eating is entirely chemical free. With the growth of the industry, comes a greater selection of produce and, therefore, more choices to make as you wander round with your trolley. Whether you're on a tight budget, want to know what the healthiest foods are, or would just like to try something new, there is an awful lot of choice. We've trawled the shelves for our top 5 Organic foods. Unlike many of the lists which you will find online, we've selected things which you could go out and buy right now in your local supermarket. Let us know if you have any suggestions in the comments section below!

1.Organic Fairtrade Bananas – Aldi
Aldi have been winning every award under the sun in the last year or so. Their prices, quality control and customer service are really impressive. The only thing they've really lacked is organic produce which, if you want to avoid chemical substances in your food, can be a deal breaker. Aldi have recently added organic bananas to their shelves, which represents a tremendous step in the right direction. As well as being certified as organic, they also carry the 'fairtrade' mark and a price which is very reasonable for organic fruit.

2.Taylor's Fairtrade Coffee – Multiple Shops
Needless to say, coffee isn't the healthiest thing on this list, but it's a big part of many of our day-to-day lives! Coffee benefits hugely from being organic, as a lot of the pesticides can add to coffee's natural toxins, which is what can give you that groggy 'crash' feeling after your morning cup of 'joe'. As with the bananas, it is also a fair trade product; it's always best to go organic AND fair trade where possible. The medium roast flavour makes this aromatic coffee perfect for any time of the day.

3.Yeo Valley Organic 0% Yoghurt
Where as coffee might not be the best for your digestive system, yoghurt certainly is. Active cultures in this organic yoghurt are great for you digestive system, fighting away the bacteria which can lead to an upset stomach. Natural yoghurt is also a great source of protein, so it will fill you up for longer than a sugary yoghurt. Yeo Valley is a great brand to buy organic dairy from as they are British, and it's important to support the organic industry in the UK.

4.Organic Nectarines/Peaches
It may seem awfully unspecific, but organic nectaries and peaches are 'musts' when you're buying organic food. In a survey which tested a number of different fruit and vegetables for chemical pesticides, peaches and nectarines were by far the most contaminated. This means that any non-organic peaches and nectarines you may buy will almost certainly have come into contact with pesticides and insecticides. Buying organic will enable you to enjoy a tasty, healthy treat without worrying about what it has come into contact with.

5.Nairn's Organic Oatcakes
The meat and vegetables needed to cook big meals are fairly easy to find, making that part of an organic diet relatively simple. It's the healthy snacking in between meals that can be difficult to find organic food for. For starters, wheat is not particularly good for you in the first place, so it's good for your body that these organic oatcakes are wheat-free. They come in multiple backs of six oatcakes, which makes them perfect for taking to work, or sending with your children to school.

4 Living belive that organic is the only way to go, which is why they are happy to offer a great selection of organic mattresses, natural latex mattresses and organic pocket sprung mattresses. Their Sussex showroom, between Lewes and Eastbourne, has a number of different mattresses to try out.